Portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in JRSS-B, 2020
This paper is the behavour of the modified likelihood root in high dimensions. A related piece of work on the saddlepoint approximation and laplace approximation in high-dimension is currently being written.
Recommended citation: Tang and Reid. (2020). " Modified Likelihood Root in High Dimensions." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 82(5), 1349-1369 https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/rssb.12389
Published in ArXiv, 2020
This paper studes the behaviour of the p-values distribtuion under general assumptions.
Recommended citation: Tang, Craiu and Sun. "General Behaviour of P-values under the Null and Alternative." ArXiv. https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.01697
Published in Child Development, 2022
This paper studies the effect of parental psychological control on adolescent among 642 urban and rural Chinese adolescents.
Recommended citation: Fang, Q., Liu, C., Tang, Y., Shi, Z., Wang, Q., and Helwig, C. C. (2022). Types of parental psychological control and rural and urban Chinese adolescents’ psychological well‐being and academic functioning. Child Development, 93(2), 484-501. https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cdev.13699
Published in JASA, 2022
This paper looks at the application of adaptive quadrature to Bayesian inference, showing the rate of convergence as well as demonstrating the ultility of the method in a few challenging examples.
Recommended citation: Bilodeau, Stringer and Tang. "Stochastic Convergence Rates and Applications of Adaptive Quadrature in Bayesian Inference." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-11. [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2022.2141635]
Published in Nature Astronomy, 2023
This paper examines X-ray emissions around supermassive black holes and provides evidence that emissions varies in intensity across time.
Recommended citation: Meyer, Shaik, Tang, Reid, Reddy, Breiding, ... and Trevor (2023). Variability of extragalactic X-ray jets on kiloparsec scales. Nature Astronomy, 1-9. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-01983-1
Published in Statistics and Probability Letters, 2023
This paper demonstrates that the error rate of the Laplace approximation is tight by providing a sharp lower bound for it.
Recommended citation: Bilodeau, Tang, and Stringer (2023). On the tightness of the Laplace approximation for statistical inference. Statistics and Probability Letters, 198, 109839. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167715223000639
Published in Statistica Sinica, 2023
This paper examines the modified likelihood root and demonstrates that it can be expanded as a formal series in the Wald and score statistics.
Recommended citation: Tang and Reid. "Asymptotic behaviour of the modified likelihood root" Statistica Sinica, to appear. https://www3.stat.sinica.edu.tw/ss_newpaper/SS-2022-0016_na.pdf
Published in The American Statistician, 2023
This paper examines Monte Carlo integration for high-dimensional functions and obtains finite sample guarantees for its performance through concentration inequalities.
Recommended citation: Tang, Y. (2023). A Note on Monte Carlo Integration in High Dimensions. The American Statistician (accepted). https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.09036
Published in Bernoulli, 2024
This paper examines the behaviour of the Laplace and saddlepoint approximations in the high-dimensional setting, where the dimension of the model is allowed to increase with the number of observations.
Recommended citation: Tang and Reid (2024). "Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions.". Bernoulli, to appear. [https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10885]
Published in arXiv, 2024
Recommended citation: Perreault, Samuel, Yanbo Tang, Ruyi Pan, and Nancy Reid. "Inference for overparametrized hierarchical Archimedean copulas." arXiv:2411.10615 (2024). https://arxiv.org/pdf/2411.10615
Published in arXiv, 2025
Recommended citation: Bilodeau, Stringer, and Tang (2025). Asymptotic of Numerical Integration for Two Level Mixed Models, arxiv:2202.07864. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.07864
A talk about the paper “Modified Likelihood Root in High Dimensions”. Recorded at for the JSM 2020 (virtual) conference.
A talk based on the paper “General Behaviour of P-values under the Null and Alternative”. Presented live for the Toronto Workshop on Reproducibility.
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions”. Presented live for SSC 2021.
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions”. Presented live for ISBA 2021. Recepient of the best student presentation award.
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions” (the last one I promise). Presented live for JSM 2021.
Undergraduate course, University of Toronto, Department of Statistical Sciences, 2019
Introductory class to statistics primarily geared towards computer science majors.
Graduate course, Imperial College London, Department of Mathematics, 2022
Introductory class to probability theory for MSc students in statistics, from 2022 - now.
Graduate course, LTCC, London, 2025
Five week introductory course on high-dimensional statistics. Course notes and slides will be posted here and updated on a rolling basis. The course material is a simple convex combination of available materials from existing books and notes from Philippe Rigollet, Jan-Christian Hütter, Roman Vershynin and Martin Wainwright, all of which will be linked below. I would consult these for a more complete picture.