Talk on: Integration Rules in Statistics
Talk, StatML CDT, London, UK
Talk, StatML CDT, London, UK
Talk, TUM - Invited Speaker, Münich, Germany
Talk, CM statistics - invited, London, UK
Talk, Queen Mary University - invited, London, UK
Talk, Imperial College Seminar - invited, London, UK
Talk, SSC 2022 - contributed, Virtual
Talk, IMS 2022 - contributed, London, UK
Talk, Student Research Day U of T - contributed, Virtual
Talk, JSM 2021, Virtual
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions” (the last one I promise). Presented live for JSM 2021.
Talk, ISBA 2021, Virtual
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions”. Presented live for ISBA 2021. Recepient of the best student presentation award.
Talk, SSC 2021, Virtual
A talk based on the paper “Laplace and Saddlepoint Approximations in High Dimensions”. Presented live for SSC 2021.
Talk, Toronto Workshop on Reproducibility, Virtual
A talk based on the paper “General Behaviour of P-values under the Null and Alternative”. Presented live for the Toronto Workshop on Reproducibility.
Talk, JSM, Virtual
A talk about the paper “Modified Likelihood Root in High Dimensions”. Recorded at for the JSM 2020 (virtual) conference.